Wednesday, June 22, 2011

midsummer night's ride

Gray Skies
midsummer's day is old school for summer solstice and that was yesterday and so an extension of this idea gives us the title of this post. below is a picture from david nichols, presumably taken from his iphone tonight while experiencing the presidio from butterlap, a weekly san francisco night time loop group ride. some times this spot is perfect for viewing an iridescent sunset. tonight, it was still light, the horizon nestled between gray clouds. i didn't make the ride due to a flat tire and not enough ganas to fix it 'right now' and as I look at the still light 9pm sky and david's photo, I am now deeply remorseful for not pushing through, fixing the tire, and riding. lesson for next time.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful picture indeed! Very serene, and would definitely make one attend the next butterlap event.
